Futuriom 40 Webinar On Demand

In 2021, Futuriom launched the Futuriom 40: Cloud Trends and Top Private Companies report. This report has proven to be one of the most popular resources on cloud infrastructure technology. In the report, we detailed the top trends as well as private companies as voted by our team of analysts.
The report was the culmination of several months of work in which our analyst team reviewed all of our Cloud Market Trend Reports for 2021 and selected the top trends and private companies for the year.
As part of a new annual tradition, we hosted a webinar on February 16, in which our analysts discussed the details of the 2022 Futuriom 40 report, including the top trends in cloud infrastructure as well as the 40 new companies on our list.
You can watch the webinar here.
Futuriom 40 Guests
On the webinar, we had special guests from four of the Futuriom 40 companies in the report. The presented their technology and told attendees how it fits into solving the top cloud challenges as covered in our report trends.
The webinar panelists included:
R. Scott Raynovich: Founder and Principal Analyst of Futuriom
Mary Jander, Senior Analyst, Futuriom
Andrew Braunberg, Contributing Analyst, Futuriom
Gregg Holzrichter, CMO, Hazelcast
Chris Wade, Cofounder and CTO, Itential
Philip Griffiths, VP Global Business Development, NetFoundry
Alex Saroyan, CEO and Cofounder, Netris
Top Cloud Trends Covered in the Webinar
After a presentation by our analyst team outlining the top trends covered in the Futuriom 40 report, our Futuriom 40 guests gave brief "elevator pitches" outlining their company background and solutions. Afterwards, we had a panel discussion in which our analysts asked the guests questions about key emerging cloud infrastructure challenges and technologies.
Here's an outline of the top issues we covered in the webinar:
- The top trends in emerging cloud communications and infrastructure technology. Some of the trends covered: edge cloud, cloud security, hybrid cloud management, cloud data management; multi-cloud networking, cloud network automation, zero-trust networking, Secure Access Services Edge (SASE), and others.
- A summary of the top needs and challenges in cloud infrastructure technology, as identified by our series of end-user surveys.
- Our new list of 40 private companies leading the market trends, as evaluated by the Futuriom analysts.
- Rapid-fire elevator pitch presentations from the top companies in the report, to tell you why they are hot.
Who Should Watch?
Tune and now and watch the whole webinar on zoom!
- Technology and business leaders assessing suppliers for cloud infrastructure and strategy.
- Members of the technology trade and business media who would like to learn about Futuriom's take on cloud infrastructure innovation.
- Public market and private market investors looking for the next hottest companies in cloud infrastructure.
We look forward to seeing you on the webinar.